Precision in Every Surgical Room – Every Procedure

The Right Choice for Streamlined Procedures

In the world of invasive monitoring, efficiency meets precision with the OmniHolder-DUO. Whether it’s for a straightforward arterial line or a vital central line, the DUO ensures that every procedure is backed by secure holding and seamless integration.


Dual Dock Integration

Designed meticulously for surgeries that require one or two invasive pressure lines. With two precision – engineered docks, the OmniHolder-DUO effortlessly balances flexibility with function.

Reliability in Every Dock

Just like its counterpart, the OmniHolder-QUATTRO, the DUO promises uncompromised stability and reliability during the most critical moments of surgery.

Ergonomic Design

With the clinician in mind, our design ensures easy handling, making line management efficient without compromising patient safety. The grommets prevent line kinking and manifold pockets prevent line entanglement.

No Spaghetti Syndrome.



Tailored for both planned and unplanned insertions of arterial or central lines, catering to a wide range of surgical needs. From the storage idle position hanging from the front OR bed rail and always available, the DUO is always ready for difficult unexpected situations.


By offering the exact number of docks needed for simpler surgical procedures, the OmniHolder-DUO is a cost-effective choice for all your general surgical rooms, the hybrid room, or your cath lab procedure room of the healthcare facility.

Safety First

As the OmniHolder-QUATTRO, with its unparalleled grip and secure hold, the OmniHolder-DUO minimizes the risk of line dislodgements, and precise calibration ensuring patient safety and reducing complications.

Why the OmniHolder-DUO?

When only one or two pressure lines are needed, why opt for more? The OmniHolder-DUO offers the same trusted features as the OmniHolder-QUATTRO, scaled to perfection for surgeries that don’t require additional docks for a second arterial line or Swan Ganz transducer. Make a choice that aligns with the complexity of your surgical procedure; choose efficiency, choose precision, choose OmniHolder-DUO.

Whether you’re an anesthesiologist ensuring the best outcomes, a dedicated certified anesthesia nurse striving for operational efficiency, or an anesthesia assistant prioritizing patient safety, the OmniHolder-DUO is tailored to meet the stringent demands of contemporary healthcare, seamlessly integrating with your commitment to excellence.

The OmniHolder Family

One device to hold critical medical equipment such as breathing circuits, pressure transducers, manifolds and TEE handle. It provides a framework to keep pressure bags and lines organized in a central platform that can be placed on the front of the surgical or either side of ICU bed.

Designed meticulously for surgeries that require one or two invasive pressure lines. With two precision – engineered docks, the OmniHolder-DUO effortlessly balances flexibility with function.

With the same principles of the OmniHolder Family, the MINI is designed specifically for the Intensive Care Units when invasive pressure monitoring is indicated in the management of the critical care patient. Either if you just need an arterial line or need to add central venous access, the MINI is the right accessory for you.

Want to see the OmniHolder-DUO in action or have any queries? Reach out to our expert team for a demonstration or to answer any questions.
